ComfyUI Node: SEGS Filter (label)
Authored by ltdrdata
Created 2 years ago
Updated 26 days ago
1788 stars
segs SEGS
- all
- hand
- face
- mouth
- eyes
- eyebrows
- pupils
- left_eyebrow
- left_eye
- left_pupil
- right_eyebrow
- right_eye
- right_pupil
- short_sleeved_shirt
- long_sleeved_shirt
- short_sleeved_outwear
- long_sleeved_outwear
- vest
- sling
- shorts
- trousers
- skirt
- short_sleeved_dress
- long_sleeved_dress
- vest_dress
- sling_dress
- person
- bicycle
- car
- motorcycle
- airplane
- bus
- train
- truck
- boat
- traffic light
- fire hydrant
- stop sign
- parking meter
- bench
- bird
- cat
- dog
- horse
- sheep
- cow
- elephant
- bear
- zebra
- giraffe
- backpack
- umbrella
- handbag
- tie
- suitcase
- frisbee
- skis
- snowboard
- sports ball
- kite
- baseball bat
- baseball glove
- skateboard
- surfboard
- tennis racket
- bottle
- wine glass
- cup
- fork
- knife
- spoon
- bowl
- banana
- apple
- sandwich
- orange
- broccoli
- carrot
- hot dog
- pizza
- donut
- cake
- chair
- couch
- potted plant
- bed
- dining table
- toilet
- tv
- laptop
- mouse
- remote
- keyboard
- cell phone
- microwave
- oven
- toaster
- sink
- refrigerator
- book
- clock
- vase
- scissors
- teddy bear
- hair drier
- toothbrush
labels STRING
Extension: ComfyUI Impact Pack
This extension offers various detector nodes and detailer nodes that allow you to configure a workflow that automatically enhances facial details. And provide iterative upscaler.
Authored by ltdrdata